Welcome to the Leesikalda holiday home!

Where the forest whispers and the sea enchants.



Majakivi-Pikanõmme nature trail (7 km)

The trail introduces Estonia's 3rd largest boulder - Majakivi (height 7 m, circumference 32 m), old beach formations, the alternation of swamp types and the forests of the Juminda peninsula.

The total length of the 8-shaped course is 6.1 km, of which 2 km is boardwalk. The learning trail is marked with white-green signs on the trees, there are 3 large and 9 small information boards on the trail, an observation tower.

More information: Majakivi-Pikanõmme nature trail

Viru raba

Viru bog educational trail (3.5 km)

The boardwalk of the trail was renovated in 2013 with the support of ERF: the trail is passable with a wheelchair (also with a baby carriage) to the lookout tower - a total of 1410 m (800 m of gravel-covered footpath and 610 m of boardwalk). It is possible to ride a wheelchair to the first platform of the observation tower, use an assistant when climbing the observation tower. NB! the boardwalk can be slippery in the rain. There are information boards on the trail in Estonian and English.

More information: Viru bog study trail

Viru raba

Restaurant MerMer

The nearest nice home restaurant is Mermer in Kolga-Aabla village, only 20 minutes away by foot.

NB! Visiting time must be booked in advance!

More information: Restaurant MerMer